Thursday, March 27, 2008

There has been movement in the world of adoption in Vietnam. I seems that there have been many families from various agencies who have received their approval and are getting ready to travel to Vietnam to bring home their child. It is good news and very heartening to know that the system that seemed to come to a grinding halt for part of fall and winter is starting to move again.

In addition there have been several agencies who have said that off the record the DIA has indicated that those whose dossiers are logged into the system will be able to complete their adoption. While the log in date for this is still a mystery it is still very good news and since we have had our dossier logged into the DIA since August 2007 I believe we will be apart of that group.

Thank you for your continued prayers!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Many of you have been asking what is going on with the adoption and I wanted to wait until I have solid information. To begin with our agency is building new relationships with new provinces and working basically to rebuild their program after the events in fall. They recently secured a new license in a province where no other agency in working through. They are also working with 4 other provinces to secure new licenses and if obtained then our agency will be the only agency working there. They believe that they will be able to obtain 40 referrals in 2008. This is terrific news after very long delays.

However, it seems the problem now is in the larger picture between the US Embassy and the Vietnam. The inter-country agreement is scheduled to expire on September 1, 2008. There are working on renewing the agreement now but it seems that there is a great deal of posturing and it is likely that it won’t be renewed by September 1, 2008.

There are numerous rumors as to what will happen should the agreement not be renewed. Some have said that Vietnam will continue to allow those whose dossier is logged into the system by August 2008 to complete their adoption. This would be the best situation not only for us but all US families wishing to adopt from Vietnam.

However, the most recent report from our agency is that the US Embassy is pressuring the Department of International Adoption (DIA) in Vietnam to issue a public statement as to their plans concerning this issue. They have not made an official statement but our agency has said that the DIA is indicating a much earlier log in date. Since our dossier was logged in, in August 2007 that really doesn’t concern us personally, though we are concerned for others who are behind us in this process.

Most recently, another adoption agency issued a statement that the DIA has indicated that only those with referrals by August 2008 will be allowed to continue. This is of great concern for us. While we believe we could receive a referral by August there is no guarantee. While, at this point, this is only a rumor it is a very unsettling one. Please pray for us in this process that we will be able to complete the adoption by September. It is of great comfort to us that we have so many surrounding us in prayers through this process.